Convention Bureau
The ChristchurchNZ Convention Bureau is a partnership-based business unit within ChristchurchNZ. We are dedicated to marketing and promoting Christchurch and Canterbury as a business events destination.
Our goal is to help business events planners, buyers, and conference and incentive professionals develop successful events and find unique experiences and locations with the right venues and activities. Contact one of our team today and take advantage of our free services to ensure your next conference or event is a great success.
Search for Conference Venues & Event Services
Conference Bid Assistance
The ChristchurchNZ Convention Bureau can help produce a competitive bid to bring your next Australasian or international conference to Christchurch. -
Event Proposal Request
The ChristchurchNZ Convention Bureau can compile a formal proposal for your event, by collating quotes and relevant information from our event suppliers.
Join Us
Key to the success of the ChristchurchNZ Convention Bureau is the broad, diverse and fabulous array of business partners we work with. Join us! -
Ideas and help to ensure you have the appropriate tools when planning your next conference or event in Canterbury. -
Meet the Team
Meet the people who make it happen.
Contact Us
Talk to our team today.
Business Events Industry Aotearoa (BEIA)
Platinum Member

ChristchurchNZ Convention Bureau is proud to be a platinum member of Business Events Industry Aotearoa (BEIA). BEIA takes a lead role in driving New Zealand’s business events activity and provides advocacy and educational opportunities for the sector. ChristchurchNZ Convention Bureau values being a part of this progressive and collaborative network in New Zealand.